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我们来看两篇论说文范文,此中一篇是剑桥5给的一篇“an example of a very good answer”,这篇高分范文拔取的便是折衷四段式。


题目:Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence?


题目:Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Talking about police and military force, most people will first think of muscular figures of the males. Women seem to have little relationship with such careers despite the fact that the modern society calls for gender equality. Some people criticise the phenomenon by stating females’ rights to pursue their dream jobs, but others believe in some areas, men do have more advantages than women.

Different from daily regular office work, serving in the police or military force is usually physically demanding, mentally exhausting and sometimes deadly dangerous. Therefore males are more capable of such roles, especially during wartimes, when women are always divided to the group of being protected, together with children and the aged. In this sense, the gender disproportion in army is no discrimination, but a respect to the division of labour in traditional societies: stronger males go for killing and fighting while more careful females take care of the family and prepare for long-term development. Both of the two parties are making contributions in different ways, taking full advantage of their inherent features.

However, as the science development surges, physical disparities between men and women can be narrowed or even diminished. With the help of hi-tech equipment, females can struck down enemies and criminals just as well as, if not better than, their male counterparts. That is why some people claim it is unacceptable and unfair to limit an individual’s career options in the name of gender from an old-fashioned view. Moreover, crimes and battles in modern times are no longer about ground close combat, but skillful tactics, profound strategies and even mental resilience, all of which bear no gender preferences, so women should not be denied in army and police force nowadays.

In my opinion, it is the military effectiveness counts the most, not physical strength. Access to armed forces should be based on individual competence and qualifications, not determined by a Y chromosome.


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