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假期的英语单词是holiday或vacation。短语:The Christmas holidays,圣诞节假期。例句:She daydreamed about a carefree vacation.她抱负那高枕无忧的假期。


短语:The Christmas holidays 圣诞节假期

accrue vacation time 堆集假期

a fortnight's holiday 两周的假期


Oh, we love holidays, holidays, hooray!哦,我们喜好假期,假期,万岁!

Roll on the holidays!假期快来吧!

How about holidays?假期境况怎样?

She daydreamed about a carefree vacation.她妄图那高枕无忧的假期。

Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.人员一年可享福十五天带薪的假期。

We can offer you forty days' holiday per annum.每年我们将给你四十天的假期。

We visited Niagara Falls on our vacation.假期我们观光了尼亚加拉大瀑布。

holiday是甚么乐趣:n. 沐日,节日,假期v. 休假,外出度假


in holiday array 穿戴节日盛装的

family holiday camp 家庭度假营

例句:Envy has no holidays.妒忌之人无宁日。

Oh, we love holidays, holidays, hooray!哦,我们爱好假期,假期,万岁!

The whole city is in holiday array.所有都市披上了节日的艳服。

vacation是甚么道理:n. 休假;假期v. 度假

短语:an idyllic vacation in a seashore cottage 在海边的小屋渡过的田园诗般的沐日

accrue vacation time 累积假期


They were spending a vacation at the beach.他们正在海滨度假。

He is vacationing in Switzerland.他正在瑞士度假。
